English EN Español ES
English EN Español ES

“As Christians, the greatest resource we have is prayer. We ask you to pray for us that God helps us in our mission. If God approves our mission, He will direct His people to give, and we will prosper.”

Ways to Give

Credit or Debit Card

You may donate using your credit or debit card.

Grow your impact through a monthly donation of any amount.

Check or Money Order

You may donate by sending your gift to the following address:

Wise Words Foundation

P.O BOX 3135

Purchase Donation

You can support us by visiting one of our partners’ online stores. Cristianismo Historico for

books in Spanish or Trinity Pulpit Press, for books in English. Next time you buy your

Christian books, at the time of checkout, you will have the opportunity to make a small

contribution to our mission.

Other Forms of Support

For any other forms of support please email us to info@wisewordsfoundation.org.
Wise Words Foundation is a non-profit organization whit 501(c)(3) tax exempt status.

Financial Principles

We Christians believe that every perfect gift comes from above (James 1: 17) and that we can only fulfill our mission with God’s help and approval. Therefore, prayer is our major asset. We ask you to pray for us that God may continue to provide for this ministry.

We disagree with prodding church members in order to raise support. We will be successful in this endeavor by resting only in God’s will. We will prosper if He is with us. Our success does not depend on the amount of money we can get to manage, but on the integrity and accountability we have toward God.

Our aim is to use the resources that God has given to us to work in partnership with other organizations in order to help them, and in doing so advance the Kingdom of God.

The staff that are employed in this organization and those in the field are worthy of their wages. However, those whom this organization supports shall not be given so much as to waste the Lord’s resources, acquire luxury, or live above those who so graciously give to the Lord’s work.

Our goal is not to use this ministry as means of financial gain or achieve notoriety in the “Christian world,” but to be faithful stewards of the Lord’s provision for His people, in order to contribute to the expansion of His kingdom.