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“Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course,
and be glorified, even as it is with you”. 2 Thessalonians 3:1 (KJV)

Our mission is to provide pastors with valuable theological resources to help them grow in the knowledge of God’s Word”.

What we do

We freely provide pastors with good, biblical books and other biblical study resources to strengthen, encourage, and build them up so they can more effectively minister God’s Word in their local churches and communities.

Our Commitments

Committed to God's Word

We believe in the inerrancy and infallibility of Scripture. God’s Word is a coherent unity that cannot be divided. It is interconnected and  interdependent. Its every aspect carries implications and affects the whole. Because the Bible is the word of God, it bears all the authority of God Himself.
Because of this, we are committed to exalting, promoting, and defending the whole counsel of God. Our only association is with those who are committed to doing the same.

Committed to the Local Church

We are not a parachurch organization. We firmly believe that no organization can supplant the role and mission of the local church. We exist to enrich pastors’ knowledge of God and His Word, not to substitute their teaching ministry. Therefore, our work extends as far as the Holy Spirit, through the pastors of the local churches, allow us to go. If God wants to use this organization for the good of His people, He will direct pastors to find and make use of the materials and resources here available.

Committed to Pastors

Our commitment to pastors is to help them grow in their understanding of the Scriptures by using the resources available to them. We believe that no organization can substitute the role of a pastor. We are committed to equipping and helping pastors and local church leaders grow in their knowledge of God’s truth, so they can, based on their best judgment, with prayer and God’s guidance, pass that knowledge on to the flock.

Committed to God's Flock

We seek to help pastors grow in the knowledge of God’s Word. By doing so, we can help local congregations grow as well. Any resources sent to local churches will be by the consent of their pastors, their ministerial vision, and only when it is biblical and prudent.

Church members should not see us as an alternative to the teaching and preaching ministry of their leaders, but rather as an organization that sincerely seeks to help their pastors to grow in the knowledge of God for the good of Christ’s church. We desire to help churches not by circumventing pastors and teachers, but by helping churches through them.

“The pastor who is positively affected by the word of God will positively affect the church where God has placed him. Subsequently, that church will positively affect its surrounding community”.